May 31, 2016

Jesus Loves Misfits

Luke 6:12-16

When morning came, he called his disciples to him and chose twelve of them, whom he also designated apostles.

—  Luke 6:13

It was time for Jesus to choose the ones who would be his apostles. He didn’t go through normal hiring practices of accepting resumes, conducting background checks, and interviewing potential candidates. Jesus used a better way: he prayed for God’s guidance in choosing his followers. 

The list was not promising. Making the cut, among others, was a hothead named Simon, a doubter named Thomas, a tax collector named Matthew, and a betrayer named Judas. Most would trust and believe in him. Some would deny him. All would abandon him. Jesus knew all that. And he was willing to grant them his power to represent him.

The word “apostle” means “one who is sent.” In other words, the apostles were chosen by the grace of God to be sent as his representatives to the world that needs a Savior.

You and I are not chosen because of our pedigree, race, or spiritual grade point average. We are chosen to do things in his name that are beyond our imagining. The Master of the universe has asked the Father and the Spirit to fill us with radical obedience even when we often feel like running the ­other way. The King of kings has tapped us to be his witnesses.

Jesus came to save sinners like you and me. He chose sinners as the best representatives of living by grace alone. We are his misfits in the world, sent to tell others about him. Let the church say amen!

Jesus, thank you for making me your ambassador. May I tell others all you have done for me. Amen.

About the author — Reginald Smith

Dr. Reginald Smith is senior pastor at Roosevelt Park Community Christian Reformed Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where he has served for seventeen years. He has also served as a pastor in Paterson, New Jersey. He and his wife, Sharon, have three daughters, Janelle, Katrina, and Mariah.

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