September 04, 2013

Do You Ever Get to Home Plate?

Psalm 100

Worship the LORD with gladness …
—Psalm 100:2


Let’s suppose you want to help someone become a Christian. How do you tell the story about Christianity and what it feels like?

Let’s try putting our faith story on a baseball field. Let’s say first base is the guilt we feel when we commit sin. Then second base would be knowing we need to confess and repent of our sin. This follows the basic teaching that we are destined for hell without the saving work of Christ. A Christian accepts that hard truth.

Then let’s say third base is the sense of duty and commitment we feel toward God. I cannot just relax in a comfortable recliner for Jesus. I must get up and serve him in the world.

Now, is that the whole story? Does our faith ever reach home plate?

It can, because home plate is expressed in Psalm 100. Here we see the happiness of belonging to God. We are like sheep that are safe in his pasture. We are like travelers together, happily sharing the story of God’s love and faithfulness.

Friend, let’s kneel together and confess our sins, and now that Jesus Christ has lifted the fears of death and hell from us, let’s live for him by running down the final baseline, heading for home!

This is the complete story of the true happiness of salvation.

Father, some days I’m so consumed by guilt. Lift that, please, by your Holy Spirit. Other times I live on commitment and duty. I’m asking today for the joy of Christ. Lord, lead me home, please! Amen.

About the author — Keith Mannes

Keith Mannes serves as pastor at Highland Christian Reformed Church in McBain, Michigan. Keith and his wife, Alicia, recently celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary,
and they are thankful for their three children—Eben, Charis, and Breanna.

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