April 03, 2014

Daily Hygeine

John 13:9-11

“Those who have had a bath need only to wash their feet; their whole body is clean.”
—John 13:10


When I was a child, Saturday night kicked off preparations for Sunday worship. Dresses were pressed, shoes shined, grimy hands, faces, and bodies scrubbed clean. Imagine my mother’s distress when one of my pajama-clad brothers would escape to rescue a forgotten ball from the dirt driveway. Thankfully only his feet needed rewashing!

Jesus told Peter he was clean. Jesus’ message was this: If you’ve been washed by me, you are clean once and for all. This is the great claim of the Christian faith. We believe that the precious body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ were given for the complete forgiveness of all our sins. Because of Jesus we are clean, now and forever.

Yet the call to Peter and to us is to take up our cross daily and follow Jesus. Daily we place our feet on the path of faithful living. Daily we confess the ways our feet stray from that path. And daily we are invited to rejoice in the assurance that we’ve been pardoned, that because of Jesus we are freed, forgiven, and wonderfully clean!

There is no better news. The truth that although we are sinners Christ died to make us clean compels us to grateful living. Gratitude guides our feet to others who need to hear good news.

To whom will your feet bring you today?

Gracious God, move my heart to daily confession and grati-tude. Guide my feet to those who need to know your for-giveness. Amen.

About the author — Ruth Boven

Ruth Boven serves as minister of congregational life at LaGrave Ave. CRC in Grand Rapids, Michigan. She and her husband, Greg, have two adult children. They find rich purpose in urban ministry and delight in enjoying the wonders of God's good creation.

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