October 11, 2007

Beautiful Feet

Luke 7:36-50

How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news ...
Isaiah 52:7


Centuries before Simon's dinner party, the prophet Isaiah wrote, "How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news." Isaiah envisioned God returning with love to rescue his people after their rebellion and punishment. Isaiah celebrated the good news by pointing out the steady feet of those who would someday bring that news to God's people.

Centuries later, Simon and his fellow Pharisees refused to see that Jesus was the messenger and embodiment of God's good news. Simon had likely invited Jesus to this dinner party to observe him and look for a reason to accuse him (see Luke 6:7). Simon's refusal even to provide water for Jesus to wash his feet is a picture of the contempt he and his fellow Pharisees had for Jesus. These experts in protocol wouldn't even show the courtesy of washing the dust from their guest's feet!

Then along came the dirty woman with the dirty past. She silently "crashed the party" and lovingly cared for Jesus' feet. She was celebrating in her own way the feet of him who was the good news. She understood her desperate need for the One who came to forgive sins.

If you were there that day, how do you think you'd react? Would you sit back looking with disgust at Jesus? Or would you weep, with your head lowered over Jesus' feet? Take note: there is no middle ground.

<p>Loving God, you have sent us a Savior, but many do not recognize him. It makes us wonder if we see our own desperate need for him. Remind us that we too may have peace. Amen.</p>

About the author — David Den Haan

Pastor Dave Den Haan has served at Fairway Christian Reformed Church in Jenison, Michigan, since 1999. Previously he served a church in Minnesota. Dave and his wife, Connie, have three children.

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