Dealing with Hopelessness

By Christopher Hunt

We live in troubled times. Pick up a newspaper, or visit your favorite news website, and it’s easy to be overwhelmed by stories of contentious politics, random violence, social discord, international terrorism, and other conflicts. If we add to this the trials of everyday existence―disease, divorce, job loss, wayward children, and too many other hardships to name―it’s no wonder so many people struggle with an increasing sense of hopelessness, even to the point of despair. In times like these, where can we find comfort? How do we deal with hopelessness?

» Read Dealing with Hopelessness

Why Do We Suffer?

By Scott Hoezee

“Why do we suffer?” This is an age-old question that we all ask sooner or later. We may not be able to answer this fully for now but the Bible—and especially the Gospel—provides some very important guideposts for our thinking about this difficult question.

» Read Why Do We Suffer?

Does God Hate Me?

By Robin Basselin

In our darkest times, we may question whether God loves us anymore. In the story of Naomi we find reassurance that God does not, by any means, hate us, but instead is with us in our suffering, working to bring fullness out of our emptiness.

» Read Does God Hate Me?

Has God Abandoned Me?

By Christopher Hunt

Has God abandoned me? Many people have asked this question at some point in their lives. If you are saying to yourself “God has abandoned me,” you’re not alone. Let’s remember together his promise never to leave us, never to forsake us.

» Read Has God Abandoned Me?

Why Does God Allow Suffering?

By Courtney Jacob

Human suffering knows no boundaries. When our hearts ache with unbearable pain, when we feel utterly helpless, we cry out, “Why, God, why?” We may never feel like we get a clear answer, but in our suffering and lament God draws near and invites us to intimately encounter him.

» Read Why Does God Allow Suffering?

I Feel Hopeless

By Jordan Gorveatte

All around us, things seem to be falling apart. Situations beyond our control often leave us feeling hopeless and full of despair. We ask ourselves: Will this ever end? Will I ever find hope?

» Read I Feel Hopeless