September 26, 2017

Overflowing Thanksgiving

2 Corinthians 4:1-15

All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.

—  2 Corinthians 4:15

From the time we are little children, we are encouraged to be strong. Sometimes as adults we even ask little boys and girls to show us their muscles. Then we “ooh” and “ah” over how big and sturdy they are. Children themselves often like to show us how they can lift some “heavy” object too.

The truth of God’s good news, though, is that it’s OK to be weak. The Bible teaches that God’s strength is revealed in our lives through our weaknesses.

Paul describes us as fragile jars of clay that hold the treasure of God’s saving message in us. One way to think about this is to imagine that through the weakened cracks of our lives (our jars) the light in us shines out to others. Our places of weakness are where the strength of God can be seen more clearly. And knowing our own need for God’s grace and power helps us to help others understand God’s good news.

What does overflowing thanks that gives glory to God look like? It looks like humility. It looks like demonstrating kindness, patience, and mercy toward our neighbors in their weakness and trusting God’s resurrecting power to make all things new.

May God be glorified by our overflowing thanksgiving today.

Lord God, we give you glory for your power that is made perfect in our weakness. May our gratitude today demonstrate your grace to others. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

About the author — Ruth Boven

Ruth Boven serves as minister of congregational life at LaGrave Ave. CRC in Grand Rapids, Michigan. She and her husband, Greg, have two adult children. They find rich purpose in urban ministry and delight in enjoying the wonders of God's good creation.

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