January 02, 2018

Creation and the Trinity

Genesis 1:1-3, 26

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

—  John 1:1

In Genesis, God spoke, and crea­tion came into being.

The New Testament explains that God’s very Word was Christ Jesus. Christ brought light into being, not only as a spiritual metaphor for sinful peo­ple being able once again to walk with God, but also literal, physical light.

In addition, the wind of God’s Spirit moved over creation so that our world increased in beauty, complexity, and maturity. God the Holy Spirit breathed life into our world, creating you and me in the very image of God.

The triune God created a world in which we as human beings can flourish. Christians recog­nize that the words “Let us make mankind in our image” reflect the three-personed God, the Trinity, working together in creating all things, including us.

And Scripture shows how God continues to sustain us, restore us, and guide us in his love and will. So every time you see majestic mountains or a magnificent sunset or the intricacies of a beautiful flower, lift your eyes to heaven and praise the triune God who created them. And when you need a word from God to dispel doubt, soothe despair, or infuse your life with meaning, turn to the Word of God, Jesus himself, who speaks compassionately to your every need.

Triune God, you are the Lord Almighty above us, the incarnate Jesus who walked among us, and the Spirit of life and power in us that we need every day. Fill us with your divine presence today. Amen.

About the author — Dean Deppe

Dean Deppe has been a pastor in inner-city, suburban, and rural ­churches. Currently he teaches New Testament theology at Calvin Theological Seminary. His courses include one on the parables of Jesus. He and his wife have four grown children.

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